Security technology can be complicated if it's not your main area of expertise. In today's highly competitive business world, IT workers are being asked to be security experts, in addition to their other responsibilities. While this may appear to lower the cost of managing your security components, it may actually increase the cost if those vital security resources are not implemented correctly. Is the money saved by having your IT staff also be security experts worth the risk of having your confidential information fall into the wrong hands?
Binary Decisions is a leading information security consulting company. Security is all we do. We have many years of experience implementing virtually every type of security technology on the market. Our Security Implementation Program has been used by businesses of all sizes and in all industries to implement the security technnology needed in a thorough and cost-effective manner. Our vast experience in many diverse and complex environments allows us to implement any security technology quickly, easily and most importantly correctly, so you know your information is secure. After implementation, we can train your staff to administer the environment or we can handle the administration for you.
You can use our Security Implementation Program to implement any type of security technology available, hardware and software. Security technology falls into different categories, based on it's main function. The categories of security technology that we can implement for you include:
Authentication and Authorization
Firewalls and Routers
Wireless Networking
Virtual Private Networks
Content Filtering
Encrypted Email
Two-Factor Authentication
Remote Access Systems
Anti-Virus Solutions
Software Update and Change Management Systems
Intrusion Prevention Systems
Network Intrusion Detection Systems
Host Intrusion Detection Systems
Data Backup Solutions
Disaster Recovery and High-Availability Solutions
Anti-Spam Solutions
Let us implement the security technology you need quickly and correctly. For more information on our security implementation program or to set up a free consultation, please contact our and someone will be happy to assist you.